Number One Secret to Great Family Photos | Newport Beach Photographer

You see all these families taking those ‘long walks on the beach’ and think, how are they so natural?! One of the main things I get told when booking a session is, “We are SO awkward in front of the camera!” But you know what, almost everyone is! Don’t worry though, because I today I am revealing the number one secret to you.

Ok, are you ready?

Have fun.

That. Is. It! Seriously, when you stop thinking about how your hair looks or if the best side of your face is showing or whether you kids are cooperating, and simply enjoy the moments together—well, that is always where the magic happens. When I think of sessions that have been my favorites. The ones where I smile the whole time I’m editing. They have always been the ones where parents simply played. Where they loved on their babies even when they cried, where they happily chased they toddler who wouldn’t stay still for more than 1/2 a second, where they laughed through the chaos that is forever the norm during family pictures. SO many gems can happen, we just have to team up together to create them.

And so with that please come ready to simply have a good time. To let your hair down, quite literally. To get wet and sandy, and leave not only with some great memories on my camera, but in your own heart as well. <3

Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer
Newport Beach family photographer